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To all Kishwaukee RC Flyers...

Well I had my doubts when we rescheduled our Annual Club Picnic to September....simply to many unknowns when it comes to the weather this time of year.

But I'll have to admit...TODAY WAS JUST PHENOMENAL! This is the type of weather we usually have in July and August folks....warm to hot, with winds that were manageable and sunshine/shade throughout the event.

We had forty four (44) folks attend the picnic, including members of the Nelson Family, our neighbors, and loads of members with planes to fly and their family members as well.

We chowed down on some delicious corn, thanks to President Ted Stone, which one could've eaten was just that good.

Yours truly worked the grill....serving up batch after batch of fresh burgers and hot dogs off the two club grills ..

Folks brought salads and desserts to share and I can guarantee no one went home on an empty stomach.

The Club took the opportunity to acquire fifteen (15) beautiful flower arrangements from KindPetal....just down the road from Nelson Field...each lady in attendance received a raffle ticket to 'win' one of these creations......and it just so happened that there were enough to allow each lady to take one home!

A big thanks to Steve H, Lupe G, Ted S, Cindy and Scott F, and everyone else who chipped in to help make the picnic the success that it was.

Thanks to everyone who brought and flew aircraft for those in attendance to 'ooh and aah' at.....If you didn't see the BIG BAD BIRDS that members Al S and Dave B brought and flew you missed some of the nicest aircraft around...and that didn't include the 60% aircraft with a 3W342 safely ensconced in Al's trailer.
It was fantastic seeing Dan and Luke G flying, as well as Brian R, Denny S, Scott and Cindy F, and everyone else I might have missed.
Yours truly got a flight in on a couple of 'smaller aircraft', including one of Steve H's 3D creations.....the latter managed to end up in the bean fields to the north, but thanks to the sharp eyes of Steve, Denny and Scott, I was able to recover it without too much trouble (other than tripping up in the beans). The big black Ultimate was grounded today, as I couldn't solve my engine starting problem....a very rare situation when it comes to a DA powered plane.

Once again thanks to all for turning out today in support of The Kishwaukee RC's because of activities and participation that the Club continues to grow!
